Creating Shortcodes


Shortcodes are special markdown directives that generate various types of content. Quarto shortcodes are similar in form and function to Hugo shortcodes and WordPress shortcodes.

For example, the following shortcode prints the title from document metadata:

{{< meta title >}}

Quarto supports several shortcodes natively:

Shortcode Description
var Print value from _variables.yml file
meta Print value from document metadata
env Print system environment variable
pagebreak Insert a native page-break
kbd Describe keyboard shortcuts
video Embed a video in a document
include Include contents of another qmd
embed Embed cells from a Jupyter Notebook

This article describes how to create your own shortcodes.

Quick Start

Here we’ll describe how to create a simple shortcode extension. We’ll use the quarto create command to do this. If you are using VS Code or RStudio, you should execute quarto create within their respective integrated terminal panes.

To get started, execute quarto create extension shortcode within the parent directory where you’d like the shortcode extension to be created:

$ quarto create extension shortcode
 ? Extension Name › shorty

As shown above, you’ll be prompted for an extension name. Type shorty and press Enter—the shortcode extension is then created:

Creating extension at /Users/jjallaire/extensions/shorty/shorty:
  - Created
  - Created _extensions/shorty/shorty.lua
  - Created _extensions/shorty/_extension.yml
  - Created .gitignore
  - Created example.qmd

If you are running within VS Code or RStudio, a new window will open with the extension project.

Here’s what the contents of the files in _extensions/shorty/ look like:

title: Shorty
author: J.J. Allaire
version: 1.0.0
quarto-required: ">=1.2.222"
    - shorty.lua
return {
  ['shorty'] = function(args, kwargs, meta) 
    return pandoc.Str("Hello from Shorty!")

Finally, the example.qmd file includes code that exercises the extension. For example:

title: "Shorty Example"

{{< shorty >}}

To develop your shortcode, render/preview example.qmd, and then make changes to shorty.lua (the preview will automatically refresh when you change shorty.lua).


Shortcodes are created using Lua. If you aren’t familar with Lua (or with Pandoc filters), here are some resources to help you along:

Shortcodes are implemented as Lua functions that take one or more arguments and return a Pandoc AST node (or list of nodes).

Here’s the implementation of the env shortcode that is built in to Quarto:

function env(args)
  local var = pandoc.utils.stringify(args[1])
  local value = os.getenv(var)
  if value ~= nil then
    return pandoc.Str(value)
    return pandoc.Null()

Note that arguments to shortcodes are provided in args (a 1-dimensional array), and that each argument is a list of Pandoc inlines (i.e. markdown AST parsed from the text).

We use the pandoc.utils.stringify() function to convert the inlines to an ordinary string, and then the os.getenv() function to get its value.

You would use this shortcode as follows:

{{< env HOME >}}


If your extension source code is located within a GitHub repository, then it can be installed by referencing the GitHub organization and repository name. For example:

# install the current HEAD of the extension
quarto add cooltools/shorty

# install a branch or tagged release of the extension
quarto add cooltools/shorty@v1.2
quarto add cooltools/shorty@bugfix-22

Note that it is possible to bundle and distribute extensions as simple gzip archives (as opposed to using a GitHub repository as described above). See the article on Distributing Extensions for additional details.


You might find it instructive to examine the source code of these shortcode extensions authored by the Quarto team:

Extension Description
fancy-text Output nicely formatted versions of fancy strings such as LaTeX and BibTeX in multiple formats.
fontawesome Use Font Awesome icons in HTML and PDF documents.
video Embed videos in HTML documents and Revealjs presentations.

Some additional annotated examples are provided below.

Raw Output

Shortcodes can tailor their output to the format being rendered to. This is often useful when you want to conditionally generate rich HTML output but still have the same document render properly to PDF or MS Word.

The pagebreak shortcode generates “native” pagebreaks in a variety of formats. Here’s the implementation of pagebreak:

function pagebreak()
  local raw = {
    epub = '<p style="page-break-after: always;"> </p>',
    html = '<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>',
    latex = '\\newpage{}',
    ooxml = '<w:p><w:r><w:br w:type="page"/></w:r></w:p>',
    odt = '<text:p text:style-name="Pagebreak"/>',
    context = '\\page'

  if quarto.doc.isFormat('docx') then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('openxml', raw.ooxml)
  elseif quarto.doc.isFormat('pdf')  then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('tex', raw.latex)
  elseif quarto.doc.isFormat('odt')  then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('opendocument', raw.odt)
  elseif quarto.doc.isFormat('epub') then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('html', raw.epub)
  elseif quarto.doc.isFormat('html') then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('html', raw.html)
  elseif quarto.doc.isFormat('context') then
    return pandoc.RawBlock('context', raw.context)
    -- fall back to insert a form feed character
    return pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str '\f'}


We use the pandoc.RawBlock() function to output the appropriate raw content for the target format. Note that raw blocks are passed straight through to the output file and are not processed as markdown.

You’d use this shortcode as follows:

{{< pagebreak >}}

Named Arguments

The examples above use either a single argument (env) or no arguments at all (pagebreak). Here we demonstrate named argument handling by implementing a git-rev shortcode that prints the current git revision, providing a short option to determine whether a short or long SHA1 value is displayed:

-- run git and read its output
function git(command)
  local p = io.popen("git " .. command)
  local output = p:read('*all')
  return output

-- return a table containing shortcode definitions
-- defining shortcodes this way allows us to create helper 
-- functions that are not themselves considered shortcodes 
return {
  ["git-rev"] = function(args, kwargs)
    -- command line args
    local cmdArgs = ""
    local short = pandoc.utils.stringify(kwargs["short"])
    if short == "true" then
      cmdArgs = cmdArgs .. "--short "
    -- run the command
    local cmd = "rev-parse " .. cmdArgs .. "HEAD"
    local rev = git(cmd)
    -- return as string
    return pandoc.Str(rev)

There are some new things demonstrated here:

  1. Rather than defining our shortcode functions globally, we return a table with the shortcode definitions. This allows us to define helper functions that are not themselves registered as shortcodes. It also enables us to define a shortcode with a dash (-) in its name.

  2. There is a new argument to our shortcode handler: kwargs. This holds any named arguments to the shortcode. As with args, values in kwargs will always be a list of Pandoc inlines (allowing you to accept markdown as an argument). Since short is a simple boolean value we need to call pandoc.utils.stringify() to treat it as a string and then compare it to "true".

We’d use this shortcode as follows:

title: "My Document"

{{< git-rev >}}
{{< git-rev short=true >}}

Metadata Options

In some cases you may want to provide options that affect how your shortcode behaves. There is a third argument to shortcode handlers (meta) that provides access to document and/or project level metadata.

Let’s implement a different version of the git-rev shortcode that emits the revision as a link to GitHub rather than plain text. To do this, we make use of github.owner and github.repo metadata values:

function git(command)
  local p = io.popen("git " .. command)
  local output = p:read('*all')
  return output

return {
  ["git-rev"] = function(args, kwargs, meta)
    -- run the command
    local rev = git("rev-parse HEAD")
    -- target repo
    local owner = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta["github.owner"])
    local repo = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta["github.repo"])
    local url = "" 
                .. owner .. "/" .. repo .. "/" .. rev 
    -- return as link
    return pandoc.Link(pandoc.Str(rev), url)

As with args and kwargs, meta values are always provided as a list of Pandoc inlines, so often need to be converted to string using pandoc.utils.stringify().

To use this shortcode in a document, we provide the GitHub info as document options, then include the shortcode where we want the link to be:

title: "My Document"
  owner: quarto-dev
  repo: quarto-cli

{{< git-rev >}}

The shortcode registration and GitHub metadata could just as well been provided in a project-level _quarto.yml file or a directory-level _metadata.yml file.

Raw Arguments

In Quarto >= 1.3 you can also access the raw stream of inlines passed to a shortcode by adding a raw_args parameter. For example:

function shorty(args, kwargs, meta, raw_args)



If you are writing documentation about using variable shortcodes (for example, this article!) you might need to prevent them from being processed. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Escape the shortcode reference with extra braces like this:

    {{{< var version >}}}
  2. Add a shortcodes=false attribute to any code block you want to prevent processing of shortcodes within:

    {{< var version >}}