Great Tables - Solar Zenith

from great_tables import GT, html
from import sza
import polars as pl
import polars.selectors as cs

sza_pivot = (
    .filter((pl.col("latitude") == "20") & (pl.col("tst") <= "1200"))
    .pivot(values="sza", index="month", columns="tst", sort_columns=True)

    GT(sza_pivot, rowname_col="month")
        domain=[90, 0],
        palette=["rebeccapurple", "white", "orange"],
        title="Solar Zenith Angles from 05:30 to 12:00",
        subtitle=html("Average monthly values at latitude of 20&deg;N."),
/var/folders/hs/_kb1t9_d1w9cgyty42_4_zlc0000gn/T/ipykernel_14868/ DeprecationWarning: The argument `columns` for `DataFrame.pivot` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `on`.
  .pivot(values="sza", index="month", columns="tst", sort_columns=True)
Solar Zenith Angles from 05:30 to 12:00
Average monthly values at latitude of 20°N.
0530 0600 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200
jan 84.9 78.7 72.7 66.1 61.5 56.5 52.1 48.3 45.5 43.6 43.0
feb 88.9 82.5 75.8 69.6 63.3 57.7 52.2 47.4 43.1 40.0 37.8 37.2
mar 85.7 78.8 72.0 65.2 58.6 52.3 46.2 40.5 35.5 31.4 28.6 27.7
apr 88.5 81.5 74.4 67.4 60.3 53.4 46.5 39.7 33.2 26.9 21.3 17.2 15.5
may 85.0 78.2 71.2 64.3 57.2 50.2 43.2 36.1 29.1 26.1 15.2 8.8 5.0
jun 89.2 82.7 76.0 69.3 62.5 55.7 48.8 41.9 35.0 28.1 21.1 14.2 7.3 2.0
jul 88.8 82.3 75.7 69.1 62.3 55.5 48.7 41.8 35.0 28.1 21.2 14.3 7.7 3.1
aug 83.8 77.1 70.2 63.3 56.4 49.4 42.4 35.4 28.3 21.3 14.3 7.3 1.9
sep 87.2 80.2 73.2 66.1 59.1 52.1 45.1 38.1 31.3 24.7 18.6 13.7 11.6
oct 84.1 77.1 70.2 63.3 56.5 49.9 43.5 37.5 32.0 27.4 24.3 23.1
nov 87.8 81.3 74.5 68.3 61.8 56.0 50.2 45.3 40.7 37.4 35.1 34.4
dec 84.3 78.0 71.8 66.1 60.5 55.6 50.9 47.2 44.2 42.4 41.8