Great Tables - Oceania

from great_tables import GT
from import countrypops
import polars as pl
import polars.selectors as cs

# Get vectors of 2-letter country codes for each region of Oceania
oceania = {
    "Australasia": ["AU", "NZ"],
    "Melanesia": ["NC", "PG", "SB", "VU"],
    "Micronesia": ["FM", "GU", "KI", "MH", "MP", "NR", "PW"],
    "Polynesia": ["PF", "WS", "TO", "TV"],

# Create a dictionary mapping country to region (e.g. AU -> Australasia)
country_to_region = {
    country: region for region, countries in oceania.items() for country in countries

wide_pops = (
        & pl.col("year").is_in([2000, 2010, 2020])
    .pivot(index=["country_name", "region"], columns="year", values="population")
    .sort("2020", descending=True)

    GT(wide_pops, rowname_col="country_name", groupname_col="region")
    .tab_header(title="Populations of Oceania's Countries in 2000, 2010, and 2020")
    .tab_spanner(label="Total Population", columns=cs.all())
/var/folders/hs/_kb1t9_d1w9cgyty42_4_zlc0000gn/T/ipykernel_24298/ DeprecationWarning: The argument `columns` for `DataFrame.pivot` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `on`.
  .pivot(index=["country_name", "region"], columns="year", values="population")
Populations of Oceania's Countries in 2000, 2010, and 2020
Total Population
2000 2010 2020
Australia 19,028,802 22,031,750 25,655,289
New Zealand 3,857,700 4,350,700 5,090,200
Papua New Guinea 5,508,297 7,583,269 9,749,640
Solomon Islands 429,978 540,394 691,191
Vanuatu 192,074 245,453 311,685
New Caledonia 213,230 249,750 272,460
French Polynesia 250,927 283,788 301,920
Samoa 184,008 194,672 214,929
Tonga 102,603 107,383 105,254
Tuvalu 9,638 10,550 11,069
Guam 160,188 164,905 169,231
Kiribati 88,826 107,995 126,463
Micronesia (Federated States) 111,709 107,588 112,106
Northern Mariana Islands 80,338 54,087 49,587
Marshall Islands 54,224 53,416 43,413
Palau 19,726 18,540 17,972
Nauru 10,377 10,241 12,315