Quarto 1.5

Quarto 1.5 improves Typst support, has some website enhancements like draft handling and announcement bars, adds a native Julia engine, and adds a couple of shortcodes for generating placeholder content.

Quarto 1.5

Charlotte Wickham



Quarto 1.5 is out! You can find the current release on the download page.

Below, we’ll highlight the improved Typst support, website enhancements like draft handling and announcement bars, the native Julia engine, and a couple of shortcodes for generating placeholder content. You can see all the changes in the Release Notes.

Typst CSS

We’ve already blogged about one feature that is now available in 1.5: Beautiful Tables in Typst. The CSS properties from HTML tables produced in your code are translated to Typst properties, so the tables you lovingly craft for HTML should look just as good in PDFs produced using format: typst.

Beyond tables, CSS properties on divs and spans are also translated to Typst properties. So, for example, you could get text with a green background like this:

Here is a [span with a green background]{style="background-color:green"}.

You can read more about using CSS in Typst at Typst Basics: Typst CSS.

Improved Website Draft Support

Screenshot of a post titled 'Post With Code', displaying a banner at the top of the page titled 'Draft'.

A draft post with the new draft banner

Quarto 1.5 brings improved support for workflows involving draft posts and pages:

  • Adds the drafts option to the website key offering new ways to specify drafts: directly in _quarto.yml, and via metadata includes and profiles.

  • Introduces the draft-mode option to the website key to control how drafts are rendered. Drafts can be gone, unlinked or visible.

  • Adds a draft banner to draft pages that are rendered.

  • Improves the linking behavior of draft documents. Now, in addition to being excluded from search results, listings, and the sitemap, drafts will not appear in navigation, or be linked from in-text hyperlinks when draft-mode is gone or unlinked.

  • Changes the behavior of quarto preview for drafts. Drafts will be visible in previews regardless of the draft-mode setting. In particular, this allows an easier way to preview the appearance of draft content in navigation and listings.

Read more at Website Drafts.

Website Announcements

You can now use an announcement option to add a customizable banner at the top of your website. You can set an icon, make it dismissable, and include markdown formatted content like bold text:

Screenshot of the quarto documentation showing a blue bar below the navbar, starting with the text 'Alert:...'.

An example announcement bar

Read about your options at Website Tools: Announcement Bar.

Native Julia Engine

Prior to 1.5, Julia code cells were executed through the Jupyter engine. Now you can opt-in to a native Julia engine:

title: Julia without Jupyter
engine: julia

Read about the details in Using the julia engine.

Part of the reason we are excited about this feature is that it was an external contribution. Thank you @jkrumbiegel!

Placeholder Shortcodes

We’ve also added a couple of shortcodes that add placeholder content: lipsum for text, and placeholder for images:

{{< placeholder 400 200 format=svg >}}
{{< lipsum 1 >}}

This example produces a 400px x 200px SVG image, and one paragraph of Lorem Ipsum text:

Proin sodales neque erat, varius cursus diam tincidunt sit amet. Etiam scelerisque fringilla nisl eu venenatis. Donec sem ipsum, scelerisque ac venenatis quis, hendrerit vel mauris. Praesent semper erat sit amet purus condimentum, sit amet auctor mi feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ac mauris in massa feugiat bibendum id in dui. Praesent accumsan urna at lacinia aliquet. Proin ultricies eu est quis pellentesque. In vel lorem at nisl rhoncus cursus eu quis mi. In eu rutrum ante, quis placerat justo. Etiam euismod nibh nibh, sed elementum nunc imperdiet in. Praesent gravida nunc vel odio lacinia, at tempus nisl placerat. Aenean id ipsum sed est sagittis hendrerit non in tortor.

Read more about their options at Placeholder Images and Placeholder Text.


Finally, we’d like to give a huge high five to everyone who contributed to this release by opening issues and pull requests:

AaronGullickson, abduazizR, aborruso, AdaemmerP, adamalfredsson, adamulrich, aghaynes, ALanguillaume, AlbertRapp, allefeld, AndreiBiziuk, andrie, anhi, aravezskinteeth, arnaudgallou, aronatkins, ArthurAndrews, arvindvenkatadri, AshleyHenry15, averms, awhol1, batpigandme, bcdavasconcelos, bhattmaulik, bhogan-mitre, billgeo, BradyAJohnston, cameronraysmith, CeresBarros, christian-million, cpcloud, daslu, davidkane9, debdagybra, dfolio, dhodge180, dmbates, drtingtp, eitsupi, eyayaw, FabienSe, fernandortdias, fkgruber, ForceBru, gcgbarbosa, gimmiereddy, gl-eb, gregswinehart, guilhermegarcia, GuillaumeDehaene, hadley, has2k1, Hemken, hervyqa, hewag1975, hughjonesd, iandol, IULibScholComm, j-horak, jackgerrits, jasonpott, jcheng5, jdossgollin, jebyrnes, jimgar, jimjam-slam, jkrumbiegel, jobrachem, jolars, jonpeake, jrob95, jrtheobald, juliantao, JulienGAMartin, justinaskav, kadykov, KaiWaldrant, kdheepak, kkaja123, kletts, kompre, krishaamer, lamurian, Lextuga007, li-yq, libjohn, liyongg, loreabad6, Luc-UMass, lwjohnst86, m-clark, m-delem, MarcoPortmann, marklhc, martinscripts, memeplex, MHellmund, mhollanders, mine-cetinkaya-rundel, MKDJr, mroberts1, mvuorre, mwouts, ncclementi, ncworstell, nealrichardson, Nesper94, nickvigilante, nmalkin, NMarkgraf, nrichers, olivroy, ozanozbeker, pagiraud, pastorn, pbousquets, pem725, petrbouchal, pgseye, pingumops, pmoris, pschloss, rafaelorozco, rastrau, RegalPlatypus, rgaiacs, Robinlovelace, robolyst, royfrancis, rpchastain, sapphire008, schrammelj, sinamoghimi73, statik, stevengogogo, sun123zxy, szsctt, teecrow, the-solipsist, TomBener, ttalVlatt, tvroylandt, tylermorganwall, Unco3892, Vinnie-Palazeti, WardBrian, wjschne, wklimowicz, xiaoxl, ycrouin

The balloon emoji in the listing and social card image for this post comes from OpenMoji– the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0